
I own no land, instead I have wheelestate. I’ve been a full time RVer since 1997. Working summers as a Park Ranger takes me to many beautiful places and playing during the winter takes me to many more. This blog is simply the story of my life's adventures.


Thank you for stopping by. Just to let you know, I'm still blogging but have moved to Geogypsytraveler. Hope you'll follow my adventures. Just click here.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A step back in time

Went for a drive today


Unknown said...

Very interesting photos, Gaelyn. I can't wait to drive up there.

Amanda said...

My son would have a fit over that old truck. Very nice photos.
I will be moving from the ranch which is located in Vantage, north into the Okanogan, where there are trees and lakes YIPPEE!!
We never stay anywhere for more than a couple of years but we are planning to buy some land up there. We love it up there even more than Montana. We were both born and raised in lush green places and although the desert is lovely we need green!!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

love those pics...
how are you doing? eating solid food yet?

don't forget to come by my blog and sign up for my giveaway...
have a good evening.


Leedra said...

Like the old car photo

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