
I own no land, instead I have wheelestate. I’ve been a full time RVer since 1997. Working summers as a Park Ranger takes me to many beautiful places and playing during the winter takes me to many more. This blog is simply the story of my life's adventures.


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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I’m out of space!

01 Long-horned beetle NR GRCA NP AZ (1024x768)

My hard drive only has 1.72GB of space left out of 138GB, but no bugs.

02 Hopi Dance Group Nuvatukya-Ovi Sinom Native American Heritage Days NR GRCA NP AZ (767x1024)

Hopi Dance Group Nuvatukya-Ovi Sinom Native American Heritage Days

I’m not even sure what all th is means. But when I try to download more photos the machine complains. I seem to have a lot of “stuff” that I don’t understand taking up space. Yet I’m very afraid to just delete uninstall make it go away.

03 David Nighteagle Native American Heritage Days NR GRCA NP AZ (1024x740)

David Nighteagle Native American Heritage Days

I’ve already taken mega old photos off the hard drive and backed them up on DVDs and the external hard drive. Took a bit of time as I don’t 100 percent trust the technology and have to double and triple check that everything actually saved.

04 Gaelyn surrounded by wildflowers on Widforss trail NR GRCA NP AZ (1024x768)

We’ve been hiking and I’m working on that post.

05 Grand Lodge at night NR GRCA NP AZ (1024x753)

Plus our last weekend went to Flagstaff and all photos are still in the camera.


Jo said...

Oh Gaelyn;) I hope you get your space problems worked out, Thank goodness there're no bugs. Enjoy your day, my friend (((Hugs)))Jo

Zane said...

Gaelyn - there are many free programs which can resolve some part of the harddrive space problem.

Check out AdvancedSystem Care vers 3 (get it for free a

The alternative is to add more harddrive space - like 1 terrabyte to start with :)

Diane said...

Gaelyn I have all my photos on disc as they just take up too much room and I find if there is too much on the hard drive it just slows up any way. Maybe what Zane suggests is the answer though. I don't know the programme, but as he says there are many around especially ones to just save your pics on.

Love these pics. Diane

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

That does not make sense. I wish I was there to sort out the problem for you my friend!! Another thing you can do besides moving all your pictures off yout hard drive onto maybe a portable drive is to empty your recycle bin. Sometimes we forget to fo that and it can take up lots of space. Hope you come right with it.

Barb said...

Oooops - be careful, Gaelyn! Obviously I can only commiserate...That pic of you hiking is great! Hope your problems are sorted out soon - you need a computer geek!

Arija said...

I certainly am no geek but have you regularly de-fragged the thing? I was down to 5% and panicky, offloaded 10,000 photos onto an external hard drive.
Made no difference. Since then the kids have been regularly de-fragging and getting rid of all the spaces in between has me up by gradual degrees to 15%.

Love the photos in your post.

Good luck!!!

blog with no name said...

Baby, I'll get the shovel and dig you out some space! If it's too hard to dig, I'll use the pick instead...

Al said...

What you need is a large external hard drive (500 GB external hard drives are under $100), so you can move lots of things onto that. In fact you need two - never trust a hard drive as they're likely to fail eventually, so keep two copies of everything.

Elaine said...

I've been going through some of the same problems with my computer and have moved lots of photos onto an external hard drive with backup on another hard drive. I too am just a bit paranoid and it takes forever, especially when I get sidetracked doing other things. I'm thinking though that it's getting to be time to get a new computer....

I love the photo of you surrounded by wildflowers!

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

I'm no computer fundi so its hard to say whats wrong without actually seeing the pc. You will have to ask around the other rangers to see if somebody knows something more.

Kathie Brown said...

Gus and I had to take our computer in to a specialist and have more memory installed. Hate to say it, but you might also need a new computer. Also, an expert can tell you what unnessary things are on your computer, but I am the same way as you, I hate not knowing and I fear losing stuff and never being able to retrieve it again! All this technology presents its own set of problems!

BTW, I don't know if you know it but blogger has finally instituted a spam filter! It's great! Just enable comment moderation and all your spam goes straight to a spam folder and is never published unless you want it to be. No need for word verification anymore. You can set you comment moderation to only kick on after x amount of days and it still filters things out! I was thrilled when I found this out. I currently have mine set to moderate comments on posts older than 3 day but I may change it to 5 or 7 days. It's just great! All that porn still goes straight to the garbage folder! Yeah!

Kathie Brown said...

Just read through some of the other people's comments and it made me think that you do need to defrag. If you have Windows there should be an option for that under control panel/clean up hard drive. Mine also has an option to compress old files, empty the recyle bin, and delete temporary internet files. It makes a huge difference!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I copied all my old photos onto an external hard drive and it crashed! So getting two hard drives is good advice.

Myself, I put everything on Flickr for now.

Janie said...

My hard drive is rapidly filling up with photos. Guess I'll have to store a lot of them elsewhere.
Nice Native American photos.

Ruth said...

In the past five years or so I have burned my photos onto CDs. But I was alarmed that one of my oldest CDs does not work in my newest computer. Backing up is a continuous process. I use my external hard drive too, but peripherals become obsolete so quickly.

Silver Fox said...

I keep all but 2 years worth of photos on a separate hard drive, backed up on another separate hard drive. Even so, the "my pictures" folder takes up 155GB.

Rambling Woods said...

I back up to Carbonite which does it automatically or you could use an online photo site..I use smugmug...

Dawn Fine said...

Oh Darn..
sounds like you need to take more things of your computer so you can put new things in..
not always an easy task..
Good luck!

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