
I own no land, instead I have wheelestate. I’ve been a full time RVer since 1997. Working summers as a Park Ranger takes me to many beautiful places and playing during the winter takes me to many more. This blog is simply the story of my life's adventures.


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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stormy Sunday

Sunrise this morning

I’ve enjoyed such fantastic T-shirt weather this fall. Yet today, the temperature has dropped almost 10° in the last three hours, wind blows, clouds continue to roll over with thunder booming in the distance. No rain, yet. The sun persistently tries to break through.Carson is hiding on the bed as is his custom when the thunder roars.

2:30pm this afternoon

The birds are almost running each other over in a feeding frenzy. Maybe they know what’s coming.

Gambel's Quail


The Good Life in Virginia said...

yep...they surely do know what is coming and they are filling
pretty colors in the first shot...i don't particularly like thunder and lightning I can understand Carson hiding...

Unknown said...

I do not like thunder storms. I guess that is from living in tornado alley for so many years. But that sunrise-wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I like your sky shots. I missed a winner. Just came back from the store and wish I'd had my camera with me. It was cooler here today too but not that cool. :-)

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