I held my breath and my heart stopped beating as the lions walked no more than 10 feet (3.048 meters) from Joan’s truck, just ambling past up the road. The lion is the second largest living cat in the world after the tiger, and we were in a Toyota. Read more here.
Looks like 'the lion walks tonight'. I bet your heart was going bump-e-de-bump!
I just love the big Cats. I would have loved to be there with you. thanks. MB
Great place this park , greeting from Belgium
i have never been that close to a lion, at least not that i know of. awesome photo.
we have mountain lions here. I just learned that they hate to eat hair and have teeth that shave off the hair of their victim before they eat. So interesting.
wishing you lovely days and nights.
Great photo and very interesting post to read.Have a nice weekend.
Awesome capture of the Lion!!!
Really gorgeous !!!
Fantastic shot of the lion.
Oh boy, your heart must have skipped a few beats!
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