
I own no land, instead I have wheelestate. I’ve been a full time RVer since 1997. Working summers as a Park Ranger takes me to many beautiful places and playing during the winter takes me to many more. This blog is simply the story of my life's adventures.


Thank you for stopping by. Just to let you know, I'm still blogging but have moved to Geogypsytraveler. Hope you'll follow my adventures. Just click here.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Thrifty Thursday–Light my fire

Actually got out thrift shopping last week with Berta, who is feeling much better and shoulder is healing nicely. 
01 Candles $1_25 from NOAH Thrift Store Prescott AZ (1024x768)
Just one example of last weeks purchases.  To see more follow me on Geogypsytraveler by clicking here.

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