
I own no land, instead I have wheelestate. I’ve been a full time RVer since 1997. Working summers as a Park Ranger takes me to many beautiful places and playing during the winter takes me to many more. This blog is simply the story of my life's adventures.


Thank you for stopping by. Just to let you know, I'm still blogging but have moved to Geogypsytraveler. Hope you'll follow my adventures. Just click here.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Javelina & History

5 1/2 of the 7 javelinas
This morning started off helping Berta herd the javelinas out of her side yard. Yesterday she added chicken wire...


Unknown said...

That was quite an interesting day. We'll be moving to Brenda on the 29th, I think. Can't wait to get the hell out of Phoenix!

Patty said...

Beautiful photos. Happy Solstice to you too!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a full day on the shortest day of the year. It's nice learning from History, studying wildlife and nature, and enjoying our scenic wonders. Happy Solstice to you too and may the sun brighten your life more and more with each and every day.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

look at all those javelinas...that's quite a herd. and they are drawn to the bird seed? what is their normal diet? small rodents and such?

George said...

A beautiful sunset! The pictures and information about the museum were interesting and informative.

Susie of Arabia said...

Thank you so much for posting these photos of my old stomping grounds! And that sunset is stunning!

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